May 27, 2018

When Mother Nature strikes 7-Eleven

Most people consider words about the weather to fall into the small talk conversation starter category. But for convenience store operators, it’s serious business, not idle chatter.

From blizzards to heat waves and floods to wildfires, severe storms and extreme events involving the elements can threaten a c-store operator's bottom line as well as their safety. Planning for and ta;king about these Mother Nature-induced adversities can soften the blow.

Read more about this topic, which I explore in further detail, in my newest article for CSP Magazine, available here.

May 6, 2018

No time like the present for pot and box gardening

Homeowners with a yen for growing plants, flowers, fruits and vegetables don’t have to break new ground – literally. They can follow time-tested advice and make matters simple by gardening above ground in boxes and containers.

Box gardening within raised beds over grass or soil offers the advantage of letting you create the ideal new soil environment within an above-ground wooden, metal or plastic frame that you can make yourself or assemble from a kit. Gardening in containers, meanwhile, offers portability and flexibility.

Read up on this trendy horticultural how-to topic, published in the Daily Herald, by clicking here.