December 30, 2024

Eights foods you should be eating more of if you're over 50

If you’re age 50 or older, you know by now that you can’t eat whatever you want without some consequences. But just because experts increasingly recommend curbing junk foods and high-calorie indulgences as you get older doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice flavor, fun or food variety. It’s possible to change your diet for the better without punishing your taste buds or going hungry after meals.

Learn more about eight healthy and appetizing edibles that can easily be added to your diet by reading my latest article for CTW Features, available here.

December 23, 2024

Housing market predictions for 2025

The year 2024 has been a noteworthy one for the national real estate market. Although mortgage rates have dipped since 2023, high home prices and continued low inventory have kept many potential buyers on the sidelines. With the holiday season upon us and the calendar about to turn the page to a fresh year, it’s a fitting time to assess the current landscape and consider what the future might hold for home buyers and sellers.

Key questions linger: Will home prices drop in 2025? Is now a smart time to buy a home? When might mortgage rates and the housing supply numbers improve? To find answers, I consulted industry experts to share their predictions for the housing market. Read their prognostications in my latest article published by The Mortgage Reports, available here.

December 17, 2024

Cineversary podcast celebrates 80th birthday of Meet Me In St. Louis

Jeremy Arnold
In Cineversary podcast episode #77, host ⁠Erik Martin⁠ commemorates the 80th anniversary of one of the most beloved musicals in Hollywood history, Meet Me In St. Louis, directed by Vincente Minnelli and starring Judy Garland. Joining him to discuss this seasonal favorite is Jeremy Arnold, a film historian, commentator, and author of Christmas in the Movies, and The Essentials: 52 Must-See Movies and Why They Matter. Together, they examine the many musical, mirthful, and melodramatic merits of the movie, how it has stood the test of time, its brilliant songcraft, and much more.

To listen to this episode, click here or click the "play" button on the embedded streaming player below. Or, you can stream, download, or subscribe to Cineversary wherever you get your podcasts, including
Apple Podcasts
and Spotify.

Learn more about the Cineversary podcast at and email show comments or suggestions to

December 11, 2024

Make your holiday wreath pop with a more personal touch

If there’s one holiday custom that never goes out of style, it’s hanging a holiday wreath on your exterior door. This tradition hails back to ancient times when wreaths were considered to be symbols of honor, victory and eternal life in Rome and Greece. In Europe, pagan rituals also used wreaths to represent the cycle of the seasons. By the 16th century, Christians in Europe began using evergreen wreaths during Christmas to symbolize eternal life and God's endless love. This custom spread throughout the continent and reached North America, where, by the 19th century, it became widely practiced, especially in the U.S., where wreaths came to embody the themes of hospitality and the holiday spirit.

Learn how to personalize your holiday wreath and create a more festive, eye-catching appearance by reading my latest article for The Daily Herald, available here.

December 3, 2024

Snap into action

Smartphones are handy for taking photos, but try using one when jumping out of a plane, skateboarding a half-pipe or snorkeling with sea turtles. Recording these, and other exciting activities, calls for a dedicated, compact, rugged action camera. GoPro-style cameras are designed to take high-quality footage in adventurous environments.

Learn more about action cameras by reading my latest Costco Connection magazine article on this topic, available here.

November 27, 2024

Set aside enough for your holiday budget: Here's how

Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, New Year’s and other holidays that close out the calendar are fast approaching. That means you’ll probably need to accumulate more loot than you may think for customary things like gifts, decorations, travel, hosting guests, and charitable donations this time of year. And therein lies the problem: Making sure you’ve salted away enough scratch to afford these to-dos.

Consumers are expected to spend an average of $1,638 this holiday season on gifts, travel, and entertainment, PwC reports, reflecting a 7% increase compared to 2023 and a 15% rise from 2022. Gift budgets are expected to rise 9.9% from 2023, per JLL, and Mastercard anticipates spending during the 2024 holiday season to increase by 3.2% yearly.

Learn more by reading my CTW Features article on this topic, available here.

November 19, 2024

Speech tech poised to take a quantum leap

Artificial intelligence (AI) and its capabilities have significantly transformed speech technology in a short amount of time. But an equally exciting innovation is anticipated to be an even bigger game changer in the industry: quantum computing, which represents a groundbreaking approach to computation, using quantum mechanics to perform certain tasks much faster than traditional computers. It relies on quantum particles like atoms, ions, or photons to harness the principles of superposition, entanglement, and interference in quantum bits, or qubits. Unlike classical bits used by traditional computers, which are limited to a state of 0 or 1, qubits can exist in multiple states at once due to superposition.

Learn why experts are predicting that quantum computing will allow us to solve problems that are currently intractable with classical devices across chemistry, machine learning, finance, and so many other problems we’ve yet to even conceive by reading my latest article for Speech Technology, available here.

November 13, 2024

Cineversary podcast celebrates 50th birthday of Godfather Part II

Harlan Lebo and Glenn Kenny
In Cineversary podcast episode #76, host ⁠Erik Martin⁠ honors the 50th anniversary of the greatest sequel ever made, The Godfather Part II, directed by Francis Ford Coppola. This time around he’s joined by Harlan Lebo, author of The Godfather Legacy, and Glenn Kenny, film critic and author of Made Men: The Story of Goodfellas. Together, they explore what makes Part II an exemplary follow-up to the original, how the movie remains evergreen, key themes that resonate today, and much more.

To listen to this episode, click here or click the "play" button on the embedded streaming player below. Or, you can stream, download, or subscribe to Cineversary wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Learn more about the Cineversary podcast at and email show comments or suggestions to

November 5, 2024

How to use a 0% intro APR credit card as an interest-free loan

Preparing for a major purchase? You could pursue short-term financing in the form of a personal loan, home equity loan or home equity line of credit. But if you can afford to pay off what you borrow in full within a year or so, a 0 percent intro APR credit card could be a better option. This type of card can save a lot of money you would otherwise spend on interest charges.

Learn more about how this type of credit card works — and how you might be able to use one as an interest-free loan on large purchases — by checking out my newest writeup for Bankrate, available here.

October 28, 2024

Why collision insurance coverage is a smart idea

What happens if you’re in a car accident that results in significant repairs to your vehicle, or if you hit a patch of ice and skid into a bridge embankment and your car is totaled? If you have collision coverage in place, you’ll be financially protected from calamities like these. Collision insurance covers damage to your vehicle, up to its pre-crash fair market value, caused by events such as striking another car or hitting a stationary object like a lamp post.

Read my newest story for Fox Money (available here) to better understand how collision coverage works, what it covers and doesn’t, and how much it costs.

October 23, 2024

How much does homeownership cost?

Whether you want the idyllic white picket fence or you’re eager to put the brakes on renting, homeownership may be looking like an increasingly attractive option. But don’t get ahead of yourself and start choosing paint colors just yet.

Before entering the market for a new home, be sure you’re ready to make such a big financial commitment. The first step is understanding all the costs of owning a home. While some costs, like a down payment and closing fees, may seem more obvious, you’ll still need room in your budget for the less straightforward expenses. These include HOA fees, taxes, insurance and more. 

Discover more about the hidden costs of owning a home by reading my latest article for Quicken Loans, available here.

October 17, 2024

Cineversary podcast celebrates 50th birthdays of Young Frankenstein & Texas Chain Saw Massacre

Gregory Mank and Kim Newman
In Cineversary podcast episode #75, host ⁠Erik Martin⁠ celebrates the golden birthdays of two classics for the Halloween season. First, he’s joined by author and classic horror historian ⁠Gregory Mank ⁠to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Mel Brooks’ ⁠Young Frankenstein⁠; and then he teams up with horror film scholar and author ⁠Kim Newman⁠ to honor the 50th anniversary of ⁠The Texas Chain Saw Massacre⁠, directed by Tobe Hooper. Erik and his guests provide plenty of discussion treats, with no tricks, examining why these two films are worthy of kudos five decades onward, how they’ve stood the test of time, and more.

To listen to this episode, click here or click the "play" button on the embedded streaming player below. Or, you can stream, download, or subscribe to Cineversary wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Learn more about the Cineversary podcast at and email show comments or suggestions to

October 15, 2024

Budget-friendly home gadgets

You don’t need a six-figure income, a fancy house, or a lot of tech savvy to benefit from the latest crop of smart home tech. Fortunately, prices have become more affordable while the capabilities and value have increased in recent years, equalizing the playing field for consumers and homes that can benefit from these gadgets.

Read my newest piece for The Daily Herald and learn more about affordable smart home devices worth considering. 

October 9, 2024

The best ways to support a friend or loved one with breast cancer

When someone first learns they have breast cancer, it can feel like a gut punch to the soul. Fears, doubts, uncertainties, and apprehensions can surface, making it difficult to stay focused. And during and following treatment, it may be more challenging to summon the strength and determination to accomplish routine tasks.

It’s times like these where friends and loved ones are crucially important, say experts and cancer survivors alike.

Learn more about the importance of giving support to a loved one diagnosed with breast cancer during this challenging time, and how to do so, by reading my latest article for CTW Features, available here.

October 1, 2024

High-tech toys

At Amax Group USA, work time is play time. That’s because the tight-knit team at this Houston-based company specializes in making 21st-century toys that bring out the action-craving kid in all of us, whether you’re seven or 70. The company’s newest offering, the Lumisphere, which features over 100 LED lights, slow-motion or fast-motion catch capabilities, 360-degree maneuvers, and two unique play modes where you can perform gravity-defying tricks and stunts. 

Learn more about this innovative company and the Lumisphere by reading my latest Costco Connection article, available here.

September 24, 2024

How the recent Fed rate cut affects you

The Federal Reserve met Sept. 18 and cut interest rates for the first time since 2020 – to the tune of 50 basis points (0.5 percentage points). Truth is, a Fed rate cut is good financial news for many but bad news for others.

Curious to learn who will benefit and who won't from a Federal Reserve rate cut? Read my newest US News and World Report article (which has now been seen by more than 20,000 people) by clicking here

September 18, 2024

Save more dollars at the grocery store with these tips

Sticker shock experienced by consumers at grocery stores, warehouse clubs, and food marts has been unavoidable since the pandemic. We all need to eat, but the price tag on groceries has put extra pressure on our pocketbooks for a few years now.

Here’s what the data show: According to the most recent data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics for 2022, the typical American household spends $475.25 per month on groceries. This amounts to an annual grocery expenditure of $5,703. I don’t know about you, but these figures actually sound way lower than what many families, including mine, actually pay at checkout.

Want to spend less on groceries? Read my latest Money Saving Mastery column on this topic by clicking here.

September 16, 2024

Spooky season is upon us

Fall is right around the corner, making now the ideal time to start thinking Halloween. 

This year, I'm celebrating a decade representing a seasonal client with a monstrous following: Midnight Terror Haunted House in the Chicagoland area, which celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2024. My task is to promote and publicize the haunt to the media. These efforts have resulted in terror-ific coverage in the Chicago Tribune, Fox News, NBC and other outlets.

This year's campaign spotlight's lots of fresh news about Midnight Terror, which can be gleaned by clicking here.

September 12, 2024

Cineversary podcast honors The Shawshank Redemption on its 30th birthday

In Cineversary podcast episode #74, host Erik Martin commemorates the 30th anniversary of the most crowd-pleasing picture of the past three decades and the greatest prison movie ever: The Shawshank Redemption. Partnering with him on this installment is Mark Dawidziak, author of The Shawshank Redemption Revealed: How One Story Keeps Hope Alive.
Mark Dawidziak
Together, they chisel away at this impressive cinematic edifice and examine why this film remains so beloved, how it has stood the test of time, resonant themes viewers appreciate, and more.

To listen to this episode, click here or click the "play" button on the embedded streaming player below. Or, you can stream, download, or subscribe to Cineversary wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Learn more about the Cineversary podcast at and email show comments or suggestions to

September 4, 2024

Maximize those car insurance discounts and save more

Inflation and rising costs have taken a toll on consumers in recent years. One area where Americans are especially feeling the pinch is the cost of car insurance, with premiums increasing 18.6% from July 2023 to July 2024, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. But you can lower the cost of coverage by taking advantage of auto insurance discounts, many of which go unclaimed or underutilized by policyholders. Good driver discounts, low-mileage discounts, multi-policy discounts, and other programs can save 10% or more on your policy.

Learn more by reading my very first article for brand new client Fox Money, available here.

August 27, 2024

Here's what's required to qualify for a private student loan

Affording higher education is increasingly difficult for many families. Consider that over the past two decades, the average tuition and fees at public four-year colleges have surged by 179%, according to the Education Data Initiative, which reports that the average annual cost of college per student is $38,270 as of 2024. Family savings and financial aid in the form of federal student loans, scholarships and grants are often not enough. Fortunately, there’s another option that can help make up the shortfall: a private student loan.

Read my first article on this topic for brand-new client US News & World Report, available here.

August 20, 2024

How to negotiate a raise

Itching for a bump up in pay? Feel like you’re getting the short shrift salary-wise at work? If you’re like many employees today, this year’s pay raise you may have received – if any –was likely lower than you had hoped.

Bank of America’s recent workplace benefits report reveals that employees are increasingly worried about inflation. It found that 76% of workers feel the cost of living is rising faster than their salaries or wages, up from 67% in June 2023. And companies are allocating less for pay raises in 2024 than they did last year, with future increase projections also on the decline. WTW, a consulting and advisory firm, recently revealed that 47% of American firms have reduced their salary budgets for 2024, leading to a decrease in the median pay raise from 4.5% in 2023 to 4.1% this year. This drop corresponds with a cooling labor market, where only 38% of employers are finding it challenging to attract and retain talent, a decrease from 57% the previous year.

Learn more about this topic, and how to ask your boss for a pay hike, by reading my newest article for CTW Features, available here.

August 15, 2024

Cineversary podcast marks 70th birthday of Hitchcock's Rear Window with Josh Larsen & Patrick McGilligan

Patrick McGilligan and Josh Larsen
In Cineversary podcast episode #73, host Erik Martin marks the 70th anniversary of perhaps Alfred Hitchcock’s greatest work: Rear Window. Joining him for this installment is Patrick McGilligan, author of Alfred Hitchcock: A Life in Darkness and Light and an adjunct professor of film at Marquette University; and Josh Larsen, co-host of the Filmspotting podcast and author of Fear Not! A Christian Appreciation of Horror. Together, they take a telephoto lens to this movie and explore the craftmanship and thematic brilliance of Rear Window and its lasting influence.

To listen to this episode, click here or click the "play" button on the embedded streaming player below. Or, you can stream, download, or subscribe to Cineversary wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Learn more about the Cineversary podcast at and email show comments or suggestions to

August 6, 2024

Striking the right balance with a balance transfer credit card

A balance transfer credit card can come in handy when you want to pay less interest on the debt you owe on an existing credit card. This maneuver can save you money and buy you a little extra time to repay your debts, but not everyone is a good candidate for a balance transfer.

Is a balance transfer a good idea? If you’re thinking about pursuing this path, it’s smart to first explore how a credit card balance transfer works, when to avoid balance transfers, alternative strategies and what to consider prior to committing to a balance transfer. Read my latest Bankrate story for more details and expert advice.

July 31, 2024

Skylight, sky bright, first sky I see tonight

As you start to dream up your perfect home and schedule appointments with a designer or custom home builder, consider the type of feel you want in your home. Do you prefer a warm and cozy nest or your abode to be filled with natural light? If you’re the latter, there are plenty of ways to incorporate the sun’s rays into your home. After all, no amount of artificial lumens you add to a room can substitute for the sun and its transformative natural light. So, here’s a bright idea that can illuminate a key living space: Add a skylight instead of another lamp or light fixture.

Learn more by checking out my newest article for The Post and Courier, available here.

July 17, 2024

Cineversary podcast celebrates 60th birthday of A Hard Day's Night with Ken Womack

In Cineversary podcast episode #72, host Erik Martin is joined by guest Ken Womack—author of several books on the Fab Four including The Cambridge Companion to the Beatles and Living the Beatles Legend: The Untold Story of Mal Evans—as they celebrate the 60th birthday of A Hard Day’s Night, directed by Richard Lester. Together, they rediscover the euphoria of of Beatlemania, examine this film’s widespread influence, and explain why the movie still matters.
Ken Womack

To listen to this episode, click here or click the "play" button on the embedded streaming player below. Or, you can stream, download, or subscribe to Cineversary wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, AudibleCastboxGoogle PodcastsPocket CastsPodBeanRadioPublic, and Overcast.

Learn more about the Cineversary podcast at and email show comments or suggestions to

July 9, 2024

Flexible furnishings

From sofas to sectionals, loveseats to loungers, and beds to boudoir pieces, Lifestyle Solutions makes it easy to relax in virtually every room in your home. For 33 years, it’s been providing quality upholstered furnishings and setting industry standards for comfort, style, and value that customers in 10 countries across the globe appreciate.

Read my profile on this innovative company, published in this month's Costco Connection magazine, here.

July 2, 2024

Buy, refi, or repair using a government home loan

Finding it tricky to qualify for a conventional mortgage loan? Uncle Sam can lend a helping hand in the form of government home loans if you qualify, including FHA, VA, and USDA purchase loans, refinance loans, and repair/construction loans.

Learn more about how each government loan works, their pros and cons, and how to get financing to buy, refi, or fix up a property using one of these loans by checking out my newest story for Quicken Loans, available here.

June 25, 2024

Understanding the appeal of multigenerational housing

They say what goes around comes around. That’s certainly true of households and families, particularly homes where several generations coalesce and live together under one roof. This is the definition of multi-generational housing. And it’s more popular today than years ago.

Ponder that, between 1971 and 2021, the population residing in multigenerational family homes, often spanning three to four generations, surged to nearly 60 million individuals, marking a fourfold increase. According to Pew Research Center, the proportion of the American populace inhabiting such households more than doubled, reaching 18%.

Buying or creating multi-generational homes is a trend many Americans are considering nowadays. Learn more about what constitutes a multi-generational home, the benefits and drawbacks of living in a multi-generational home, how to convert your home for multi-generational living, and financing options to pursue if you are determined to own one by reading my newest story for The Mortgage Reports, available here.

June 18, 2024

Is buying a home still a worthy investment?

There are many ways to make your money grow and increase your wealth over time. You can invest in the stock market. You could put your money into bonds or high-yield savings accounts. Or you can put the money to work for you via real estate by purchasing a home, either to live in or to rent out.

But is buying a house a good investment? That depends on many different factors, including your short- and long-term goals. Learn more by checking out my latest article for Yahoo Finance, available here.

June 12, 2024

Cineversary podcast welcomes back TCM's Eddie Muller to celebrate 50th birthday of Chinatown

In Cineversary podcast episode #71, host Erik Martin is joined again by Eddie Muller, host of TCM’s Noir Alley and founder/president of the Film Noir Foundation, to mark the golden anniversary of Chinatown (1974), directed by Roman Polanski and starring Jack Nicholson. Together, they investigate what makes this movie tick like precision clockwork 50 years later, why it still matters, crucial themes, and more.
Eddie Muller
To listen to this episode, click here or click the "play" button on the embedded streaming player below. Or, you can stream, download, or subscribe to Cineversary wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Audible, Castbox, Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts, PodBean, RadioPublic, and Overcast.

Learn more about the Cineversary podcast at and email show comments or suggestions to

June 5, 2024

Car insurance costs after adding your adolescent

You've got a son or daughter who has recently received a driver's license and is eager to get behind the wheel. But before you can hand over the keys, it's important to answer a crucial question: How much does it cost to add a teenager to car insurance?

The answer can vary depending on several factors, but you can likely expect higher premiums once your adolescent is added to your auto insurance policy. Dig for the facts and get price quotes from different insurers after inquiring about potential discounts you and your teenager may be eligible for. Learn more by reading my latest article on this topic for, available here.

May 28, 2024

Work for yourself? Here's how to get a mortgage loan

If you run your own business — or are a gig worker, freelancer or independent contractor — financing a home could prove challenging. One of the first things lenders look for is a steady, verifiable income. Without a regular paycheck or W-2 statement, it can be harder to prove how much you make, and how reliably you make it. But just because you work for yourself doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed to have a hard time getting a mortgage. 

Learn what's required to get approved for a loan when you’re self-employed by checking out my newest piece for Bankrate, available here.

May 21, 2024

Two-wheeled intensity

Jeff Steber has worn a lot of hats in his life, from carpenter to guitar builder to car customizer. But he’s most proud of his role as founder and CEO of Intense, the bicycle company he launched in 1993. Over the past three decades, Steber and his team have crafted high-caliber mountain bikes—renowned for their innovative designs, choice of materials and components, build quality, speed and durability.

Learn more about Intense and the rugged bikes they craft by reading my newest article for The Costco Connection magazine, available here.

May 16, 2024

Cineversary podcast honors 70th birthday of On the Waterfront

Michael Phillips and Stephen Rebello
In Cineversary podcast episode #70, host Erik Martin lights 70 birthday candles for Elia Kazan’s On the Waterfront, starring Marlon Brando. Two esteemed guests join him this time around: Stephen Rebello, author of the forthcoming book A City Full of Hawks: On the Waterfront Seventy Years Later; and Michael Phillips, film critic for The Chicago Tribune. Together, they examine why this movie still matters seven decades later, what makes it a movie masterwork, salient themes, and more.

To listen to this episode, click here or click the "play" button on the embedded streaming player below. Or, you can stream, download, or subscribe to Cineversary wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Audible, Castbox, Pocket Casts, PodBean, RadioPublic, and Overcast.

Learn more about the Cineversary podcast at and email show comments or suggestions to

May 8, 2024

Demystifying the facts behind down payment assistance

Down payment assistance programs help aspiring home buyers afford the upfront costs of buying a home. Typically administered by state or local housing finance agencies and nonprofit organizations, DPA programs offer a mix of grants, deferred-payment loans, forgivable loans and mortgage tax credit certificates to eligible buyers.

While DPA programs are common, many buyers are confused about who can qualify for assistance and how they work. To help clear up some of the most persistent down payment assistance program myths, why they endure, and the facts about applying for and getting DPA, read my first article for new client Quicken Loans, available here.

April 29, 2024

Vetting voicebot vulnerability

Alexa, Siri, Google, and other voice assistants are listening to more people than ever before. For proof, consider that the number of US voice assistant users is forecast to exceed 162 million by 2027, up from 145 million in 2023, with around 46 million millennials and 45 million regularly using voice assistants today, according to Insider Intelligence data. Market Research Future expects the voice assistant market to grow to $30.72 billion by 2030.

But note that nearly 7 in 10 consumers worldwide are either somewhat or very concerned about their privacy online, per the IAPP Privacy and Consumer Trust Report 2023, with 57% of consumers believing that AI poses a major threat to their privacy. Many of these worries pertain to the increasingly ubiquitous and pervasive presence of voicebots and voice assistants used by companies, especially in customer service capacities. People are becoming more aware and troubled about the collection, storage, and utilization of their data by corporate America, particularly in terms of data security and privacy.

Learn more about this topic by reading my newest article for Speech Technology Magazine, available here.

April 23, 2024

How to get a car loan

It’s challenging to come up with enough scratch to afford the full price tag on a new or used vehicle. Per Kelley Blue Book’s most recent data, the average transaction price of a new car is $47,401.

Meanwhile, reports that the average price of a used car stands at $27,297. If you’re like many drivers, chances are you’re going to need some financing help in the form of a car loan.

Take the time to better understand how car loans work, the advantages and disadvantages of getting a vehicle loan, eligibility requirements, who offers car loans, steps involved in the process, what to consider carefully before signing on the dotted line, and alternatives to ponder by checking out my latest article on this topic, available here.

April 17, 2024

Cineversary podcast marks 70th anniversary of Seven Samurai

David Desser and Stuart Galbraith IV
In Cineversary podcast episode #69, host Erik Martin sends 70th birthday wishes to Akira Kurosawa’s epic masterwork Seven Samurai. This month, he’s joined by Asian cinema expert and University of Illinois film professor David Desser, as well as Stuart Galbraith IV, author of The Emperor and the Wolf: The Lives and Films of Akira Kurosawa and Toshiro Mifune. Together, they explore what makes this film a treasure of world cinema, how it has stood the test of time, prominent themes, and more.

To listen to this episode, click here or click the "play" button on the embedded streaming player below. Or, you can stream, download, or subscribe to Cineversary wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Audible, Castbox, Pocket Casts, PodBean, RadioPublic, and Overcast.

Learn more about the Cineversary podcast at and email show comments or suggestions to

April 9, 2024

Shed of the class

Whether you need extra real estate to store that lawnmower, a handy hideaway to stash your bikes and gear, or additional space for crafting or relaxing, a sturdy new shed deserves a spot in your yard. Fortunately, a wider array of these prefabricated enclosures are available today, easier to assemble and built to last longer than ever.

Learn more by reading my latest article for The Costco Connection magazine, available here.

April 2, 2024

Spring housing market forecast

With the weather warming up and flowers starting to bloom, it’s natural to get excited about the spring season upon us. But will hope spring eternal for home shoppers and sellers alike over the next few months? What’s in store for us as the national spring home buying season begins?

When in doubt, consult those in the know. So I contacted several trusted housing market experts for their analyses and forecasts about the spring home buying season, including predictions on mortgage rates, home prices, and inventory as well as tips on how house hunters can get a leg up on the competition. Read my full writeup, published by The Mortgage Reports, here.

March 26, 2024

How to replace a lost or stolen credit card

That plastic rectangle in your wallet or purse may look small, but it can present a large problem if it’s misplaced, stolen or compromised. That’s because a thief can quickly rack up unauthorized charges and possibly harm your credit unless you take swift action.

That’s why it’s crucial to take a lost or stolen credit card seriously. You need to know what to do if you notice unauthorized charges, including how to contact your credit card issuer and the major credit bureaus, when it’s best to file a police report, when to consider a security freeze on your credit file, and other best practices you can adopt to safeguard your credit cards.

For tips, check out my lastest story for Bankrate, available here.

March 19, 2024

Need a home appraisal? Here's what it costs

A professional home appraisal is essential when buying or selling a home. If you’re purchasing, your lender will require one to verify that the loan you’re applying for is appropriate to the home’s value. If you’re selling, you’ll want an objective take on how much you can expect your home to sell for. Either way, you’ll be asking the question, How much does a home appraisal cost?

Learn the answer by reading my latest story for, available here.

March 14, 2024

Cineversary podcast celebrates diamond anniversary of The Third Man

David Thomson and Charles Drazin
In Cineversary podcast episode #68, host Erik Martin celebrates the diamond anniversary of Carol Reed’s The Third Man with two outstanding guests: David Thomson, renowned film critic, cinema historian, and author of The Fatal Alliance: A Century of War on Film; and Charles Drazin, film historian and author of In Search of The Third Man. Together, they scour the streets and sewers of Vienna on the trail of Harry Lime and the truths behind this now 75-year-old masterwork.

To listen to this episode, click here or click the "play" button on the embedded streaming player below. Or, you can stream, download, or subscribe to Cineversary wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Audible, Castbox, Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts, PodBean, RadioPublic, and Overcast.

Learn more about the Cineversary podcast at and email show comments or suggestions to

March 5, 2024

Breathe easier indoors

Many people assume that outdoor pollution caused by cars and factories is rampant, meaning we should spend more time indoors for better respiratory health. But it may surprise you to learn that, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, indoor levels of pollutants are often two to five times greater than outdoor pollutants—in some cases more than 100 times higher than typical outdoor concentrations.

Couple that stark fact with this alarming stat: We tend to spend around 90% of our time indoors.

Consider that poor indoor air quality can seriously affect your health, causing or worsening allergies, asthma, and other respiratory problems. Polluted indoor air has various sources, from everyday dust and pet dander to mold spores and harmful chemicals from cleaning products.

For tips on how to improve the quality of your indoor air, read my newest article for The Salt Lake Tribune, available here.

February 27, 2024

No butts about it: You can kick that smoking habit

Addicted to tobacco but finding it difficult to stop? There are good reasons why abandoning cigarettes and other forms of smoking is so hard. One of the biggest is that nicotine, found in tobacco, can be as addictive as heroin or cocaine. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cigarettes are designed to swiftly deliver nicotine to the brain. Within your brain, nicotine instigates the release of chemicals that induce pleasurable sensations. With repeated nicotine exposure, your brain becomes accustomed to its presence. 

But all hope is not lost. It is absolutely possible to kick cigarettes and other forms of smoking to the curb for good with the right approaches and education. Get helpful tips by reading my newest piece for The Daily Herald, available here.

February 20, 2024

Audiovisual augmentation

With astounding relative speed, artificial intelligence (AI) technology has permeated many different businesses and industries in recent years. But lately, its encroachment into video and voice creation has been particularly remarkable, providing ample opportunities for players in this field to succeed in more efficient, economical, and impressive ways. 

Consider how AI is revolutionizing the field of video by automating tasks, improving the editing and post-production process, and unlocking innovative opportunities. Video editors powered by AI today can, for instance, efficiently analyze and process extensive amounts of footage, identifying key moments and automatically generating highlights. AI also plays a crucial role in tackling intricate editing tasks such as color grading and transitions. Additionally, AI-driven tools empower creators to produce distinctive and captivating visual effects, introducing a new layer to storytelling. 

AI has reshaped the creation of voices, as well, ushering in an era of realistic and expressive synthetic speech that is now used widely within areas such as customer service chatbots, voiceovers, virtual assistants, and audiobooks.  Deep learning algorithms, trained on vast datasets of human speech, can now generate voices that are virtually indistinguishable from their human counterparts. This breakthrough has expanded possibilities across various domains, including voice-over work, animation, entertainment, and personalized communication.

It’s constructive to consider the progress that’s been achieved on these fronts, the adoption rate of voice and video creation, the difficulties that still need to be addressed, and the enticing possibilities ahead. Learn more by reading my newest piece for Speech Technology magazine, available here.